Godzilla Printer Finds a New Home

I got a really sweet deal on this floor model end table at Kittles, and its exactly the right size and height for the Godzilla printer.  Incidently, the printer has been in pieces in a box ever since I took it to the RepRap festival.  This weekend I re-assembled the frame, just in time for a few new parts to arrive in the mail.

I ordered this Duet Wifi board from Filastruder.  Now I'll have to print a new mount for it and re-wire everything.

I ordered a BL-Touch from Antclabs.  They're supposed to be really good mechanical auto-leveling probe.  I really like the HE-280 and it's gyroscopic sensor, but you can't buy the sensor by its self and the rest of the effector wouldn't work here.

I'm going to have to redesign the effector to accommodate the BL-Touch, as well as the E3D Volcano upgrade that I'm going to be doing.

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