MicroSD card holder
Between my YouTubeing and Dash Cams, I've been using a lot of MicroSD cards lately. This printer is going to use even more. These little buggers aren't cheap, and their super easy to lose!
So I printed this Micro SD Card Holder by bgill. I had to scale it up to 110% to get the cards to fit, but its a nice elegant design other than that. The two halves screw together solidly enough that you can screw the lid on and throw it in your bag or whatever and not have to worry about the lid falling off.
I printed it in eSUN PLA+, which is great for accurately forming those tiny threads and making clean slots that aren't clogged by spider-webbing.
So I printed this Micro SD Card Holder by bgill. I had to scale it up to 110% to get the cards to fit, but its a nice elegant design other than that. The two halves screw together solidly enough that you can screw the lid on and throw it in your bag or whatever and not have to worry about the lid falling off.
After I thought about it, this would be a perfect design to customize with a name or logo on the top. I will probably end up printing another one so I'll keep that in mind.
Download and print one yourself at Thingiverse.
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