For a while, I've been running a Hub over at 3DHubs, where I go by the name of Vectorfield. is a site where people can print designs for other people who may not have a printer of their own.  Most customers go with local hubs so that the models can be delivered by the hub owner without having to worry about shipping.

I updated my hub header today.  What do you think?

I currently offer PLA and PETG in a variety of colors, but due to the limitations of my printer, I can only print objects up to about 5 inches in size. I also cannot print flexible filaments, or many other exotic filaments.  Because my heated bed stopped working, I can't even print ABS.

The other day I heard about a guy who was offered a couple hundred dollars for a print job, but he had to turn it down because his printer, which is much bigger than mine, wasn't big enough to print it.
This is another reason I have decided to build my own printer, and I'm going to build it from scratch rather than a kit, so I can make it as big as possible for as little money as possible.  There are a whole community of people doing this, and they call it RepRap.

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