
The brains of the printer arrived today! A few days ago I ordered this RepRap electronics kit from Zyltech on eBay for around 40 bucks, shipped.  All these components sold separately would easily cost twice that or more.

There are some other similar kits out there, many of them even less expensive.  They all use mostly the same parts because you can see the web address written on the pcb board. But, this one comes with a thermistor and a set of three limit switches, which those other kits lack.
The whole kit with a USB cable, a 100K thermistor, and a set of three limit switches.

LCD display with built in knob and SD card slot

Ardiuno 2650 with attached RAMPS 1.4 servo controller board

Motor controller heat sinks.  I will probably ditch these tiny little things and put to use the drawer full of old CPU heatsinks I've kept from every PC I've ever thrown out.

Something else arrived in the mail as well.  This one was from Amazon.  Zitrades sent me this pack of 5 battery powered three foot EL wires for testing.  They run off 2 AAA batteries, for a total of 3 volts.  That's perfect because I plan to use these to trim the printer, so I might be able to power them off the Arduino.  The set comes with handy quick disconnects to make it easy to do lots of different types of projects with them.

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